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学者 / 商学院 / 国际业务


全球商业世界正在迅速发展,并且不断变化. Tiffin University’s BBA in 国际业务 will prepare you for the opportunities of doing business in a complex and fascinating global economy. 你将获得扎实的国际金融知识基础, 市场营销, 贸易与管理. 并具有外语培训和留学经历, 你会有知识的, understanding and skills needed to succeed in the international business environment.

除了基础广泛的商业研究, 你将完成有关贸易等全球性管理问题的课程, 竞争, 市场, 组织设计, 信息技术与人力资源管理. 探讨了全球化对所有商业的影响. You are also strongly encour年龄d to take at least one year of foreign langu年龄 study or pass a langu年龄 proficiency examination and to study abroad for a semester, helping you to develop cross-cultural awareness and skills as well as a firsthand understanding of international business practices.

  • 教师拥有多年的国际教学和管理经验.
  • 该项目提供了许多不同的出国留学机会.
  • 您可以在罗马尼亚和瑞士的两个国际校区上课.
  • We have over 500 international campus graduates that serve as mentors as well as help with internship and employment opportunities.
  • The TU 商学院 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
  • 在Peregrine的全国标准化测试中, 在国际贸易领域, 午餐商学院学生的平均得分为9分.比其他ACBSP学校的学生高出76个百分点.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.

The international business program will provide you with the real-world knowledge and practical skills needed to succeed in the global economy. You’ll study with faculty who bring years of international teaching and man年龄ment experience in more than 28 countries. You’ll gain hands on, real-work experience as part of a required professional internship. 通过我们的国际留学项目, 你将获得对国际文化的第一手了解, 经济和商业惯例. 和, 即使在国内,你也会拓宽你的国际视野, as you study with a diverse population of international students on our TU main campus.


The international business curriculum will prepare you in every way for the real world. 作为以从业者为中心的课程的一部分,您将:

  • 有机会在布加勒斯特的两个国际校区学习吗, 罗马尼亚和日内瓦, 瑞士
  • 学习国际环境中所需的商业和管理技能
  • Gain an awareness of global trends and needs within the current international marketplace
  • Acquire a global perspective on business ethics and current issues impacting today’s multinational companies
  • Have direct experience with international students and learn about various cultures and traditions
  • 培养批判性思维和决策能力
  • 提高你的沟通和表达能力

在TU,国际商务的研究是积极的和动手的. You’ll eng年龄 in international business issues using current, real-world case studies. You’ll work alongside other students in a number of collaborative assignments and projects. 演讲嘉宾——包括首席执行官, 首席财务官, 咕咕地叫, 人力资源领导人, sales and 市场营销 directors and more – are regularly invited to participate in our class discussions. Throughout your program, you’ll put knowledge into practice, as you have the opportunity to:

  • 与工作的国际商务专业人士联系
  • 充分利用各种国际机会
  • 制定国际营销和管理计划
  • 在国际和国内班级之间共享模拟和课堂项目
  • Learn differences in cultures and practices by collaborating with students from other nations.
  • 参与实际的国际商务实习
  • 出国旅游和留学


  • ACC228管理会计- 3小时
  • 信息系统管理- 3小时
  • 国际金融- 3小时
  • MGT301组织行为学- 3小时
  • MGT317人力资源管理- 3小时
  • MGT351管理工作场所的多样性- 3小时
  • MGT411国际管理- 3小时
  • MKT404全球营销- 3小时
  • ECO424全球贸易- 3小时
  • HIS312中东历史或CUL312中东文化- 3小时

合计- 30小时


这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


国际金融(FIN426) – The study of the institutions, concepts and instruments of international finance. 将讨论当前和过去的国际货币制度. 应特别注意对会计的考虑, finance and taxation differences global companies (multinational companies – MNCs) experience in the domestic and foreign economies. Other topics shall include the determination of exchange rates and their macroeconomic link年龄s, the effect of exchange rates on current and capital account balances and the techniques global companies can eng年龄 in to hedge exchange rate risk.

全球贸易(ECO424) -研究国际贸易和地理, economic and nationalistic characteristics that challenge the firm embarking upon global trade. 我们的重点是跨国公司(MNC), 或者全球业务, pursuing trade in a very dynamic world economy “guided/influenced” by national and regional political and economic considerations.

全球营销(MKT404) – This course examines the increasingly global nature of 市场营销 man年龄ment and addresses the issues involved when organizations expand into the arena of international 竞争. Particular attention is paid to the differences between cultures and the importance of sensitivity to them.

国际管理(MGT411) -本课程的重点是跨国界的商业. 所涵盖的主题包括跨国公司管理的职能领域, 政策的影响, 社会, economy and geography on the international business environment and global strategic man年龄ment.

管理工作场所的多样性(MGT351) – In the context of the growth of multinational enterprises and the increasing diversity of the American workforce, 这门课是关于性别的, 种族, 年龄, 工作场所的文化和其他差异. 这门课的重点是如何保持开放, sensitive and fair in dealing with differences and on using diversity as positive force within organizations. 这是一门写作强化课程.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

国际商务提供了大量的就业机会. Prospects for success in international business grow as the world shrinks due to technology. TU’s BBA in 国际业务 will prepare you well for a career in this exciting and dynamic field.

  • 首席执行官
  • 外汇投资顾问
  • 进出口代理
  • 国际外交政策顾问
  • 国际管理顾问
  • 国际市场总监
  • 国际贸易和海关经理
  • 跨国公司经理
  • 采购经理
  • 销售经理
  • 碳化硼铝有限公司
  • 卡地纳健康
  • 冠军家居装饰
  • 社区支持服务公司.
  • 国家机器
  • 皮尔金顿集团有限公司
  • Sherwin-Williams
  • Softbinator技术
  • 惠而浦公司
  • ZeroBounce





“Using my TU network has helped me to land an internship and ultimately full-time staff accountant position at a Fortune 50 company. I have presented quarterly and yearly data to large groups including senior executives as well as assist in several projects including software testing of a West and East business unit merger in which we are integrating the entire company.”
